A typical conversation:
Mary: Hi, I just wanted to check with you.
I have been having pain in my arm for some time now and every time I use the red light locally, the pain goes away.
But the pain always comes back again. What am I doing wrong ?
What happened ?
After chatting with Mary I found out that she had been having pain in her arm and elbow for over a month now and she had just decided to use the red light there where it hurts.
Fact is that she never went to a doctor and therefore did not know the origin or reason for the pain.
And if you don’t know the cause of your problem, you can’t torch the necessary acupuncture points to make it better.
So I insisted she should go to see a doctor and after doing so she found out that she had tendinitis in her elbow, the famous “tennis elbow”.
With this information she could apply Photonic Therapy the way it should be applied:
*Torch the standard and the specific points for tendinitis in the elbow (all points are in the manual) every other day.
This would take her about a minute or 2 every other day as she has to torch the points only for 2 seconds.
*If needed, torch locally where it hurts.
As the problem has existed for over a month it has more than likely become a chronic situation. Therefore she must keep repeating the treatment to torch these points for at least 3-4 weeks every other day.
Only when you have a diagnosis of the problem are you able to torch the exact points to get better again.
That is also why we insist Photonic Therapy is used in generally post diagnostic situations when you or your 4 legged friends have recurring pain/problems.
Of course this does not apply in emergency situations where you would use the torch straight away:
When you fall and sprain your ankle, put the torch on it straight away and in doing so you will avoid it swelling up so much or getting so bruised as when you don’t torch, and the pain will also be a lot less.
Or when your horse has colic, you torch your horse for the “Colic”- plus standard points straight away while waiting for the vet to come.
Or when your dog has had an accident and is bleeding, you do the “Stop Bleeding” and standard points straight away, too.
You now have a tool that can save a life in case of an emergency, so use it !
If you have a horse, make sure there is a torch at the stables to use on your horse when needed and make sure you have a torch with you everywhere you go to help yourself and your beloved ones whenever it’s needed.
That is also why I brought out the Pocket Torch, a First Aid torch which is really small and very cheap that everybody can afford, but as strong and good as any other torch of A.P.T.