My name is Susan and I learned about Photonic Therapy through the Animal Wellness Summit in 2017.
I listened to a session from Eva and being a nurse I was very interesting in her topic of photonic red light therapy.
I did a little research and eventually ended up purchasing a torch. Then, of course, I needed to figure out how to use it!
I found out that Eva taught a course on equine photonic red light therapy and decided to sign up.
The path to learning photonic red light therapy has been a journey. The class is not a quick little class where you do a little reading, take a test and presto you are certified.
This class requires dedication and passion. It also requires a time commitment.
Throughout the class, you will be exposed to material and then re-exposed to that material to make sure you understand concepts as well as anatomy.
You will need to be motivated and truly want to learn to get the most out of this class.
For me, it has been a challenging but fun journey. I feel incredibly blessed to work with animals and wish I could help them all.
Learning photonic red light therapy now puts me in a path to help animals who need it.
Eva has been available to help me learn and understand things that I have not been part of my standard background of knowledge in medicine.
I now feel like things are coming together through practice, dedication, and guidance.
If you want to help others (animals and people) this might be for you. I even use the torch on myself and can tell when it is time to use it again.
(Eva has booklets you can order that show the points in people as well as a variety of animals).
In the horses, I have watched them totally relax and not pay attention to anything around them but me when I am working with them.
One horse actually will follow me around the pasture waiting for his turn.
This is what giving back looks like. So often we take from these wonderful animals and never think twice about it.
Now I have an opportunity to give back to them and ease their pain. AMAZING to watch the results. I am a true believer!